“The Pure World”

12 Dec 2022 | Sumqayit

Sumgait Dunya School MYP 1 and MYP 2 students completed their project work - “The Pure World”. This project work consisted of three parts. In the first part students went to Tamiz Shahar to see and get information about the system of collecting and processing the recyclables. Students were informed about the procedure of recycling. The students were impressed with the process and advancement in technology there.

After finishing the first part of the project work, students were asked to prepare two posters. MYP 2 students prepared their poster under the title “The World is in Danger” and MYP 1 students worked out their poster under the title “Let’s Save the World”. While working on their posters they searched on internet, collected information, compared with what they had seen and learned at Tamiz Shahar.

The concluding part of the project included the meeting with Rovshan Abbasov, Head of the Department of Geography and Environment at Khazar University. Students shared their learnings with the guest. They demonstrated their posters with great enthusiasm and gave information about what they had learned. Mr. Abbasov also presented his presentation about “How to Adapt to Climate Changes”. The presentation was in an interactive way and the students were engaged very actively. Students suggested several additional ways about recycling, reducing and reusing. They discussed the future plans of how to change our school to “A Green School.” The topic was so interesting that the students even didn’t want to end.

This project work gave to students a big chance to collect information, to express on posters what they learned and share their knowledge with the audience.
